Books are open for scheduling holiday family portraits!

I can’t believe the time is already here to start scheduling holiday portraits! I know it’s still a million degrees out, and the thought of wearing cooler weather clothing makes us all sweat, but soon enough the weather will cool down and we’ll have to get creative with time. So let’s avoid that, let’s make it easy breezy and as stress free as possible, and lets get holiday portraits on the books.

Now booking late October and November.

family portrait of family wearing suits and dresses in a field of dry grass for holiday portaits
family portraits, Hermosa Beach, Lake Oswego, lifestyle photography, Los Angeles, Manhattan Beach, McMinnville, Newberg, Oregon, Portland, portrait photography, portraits, Redondo Beach, South Bay, Southern California, Torrance, WilsonvilleJULIA VARGAholiday portraits, christmas portraits, christmas cards, holiday cards, redondo beach family photographer, Redondo Beach photographer, redondo beach children's photographer, redondo beach kids photographer, hermosa beach, Hermosa Beach photographer, California, children's photographer, McMinnville children's photographer, McMinnville photographer, McMinnville kids photographer, McMinnville family photographer, Torrance Photographer, portland children's photographer, photogapher, palos verdes, portland photographer, portland family photographer, portland children, portraits on the beach, kids portraits, kids portraits children's portraits, family portratis, Newberg photographer, Newberg kids photographer, Newberg family photographer, manhattan beach, mini session special, manhattan beach pier, manhattan beach photographer, manhattan beach kids photographer, manhattan beach family photography, manhattan beach children's photographer, Los Angeles maternity photographer, lifestyle photographer, lifestyle photography, lifestyle photographs, Lake Oswego photographer, Lake Oswego family photographer, Los Angeles family photographer, Wilsonville photographer, Wilsonville family photographer, South Bay photographer, traveling photographerComment